Accessible Photography for Wellness Practitioners

Since becoming a yoga instructor and ceremonial guide in 2015, I have experienced the challenges of needing good marketing material and content to advertise my offerings but not financially being able to book the traditional photography sessions for my events. Wellness practitioners need content often and content that is congruent with our offering at a price that is realistic to our paycheck.

I am not a tech-y camera photo editing pro, I am however, a pro at holding space for humans to be what they arleady are and seeing the beauty in the moments in-between. The candid and real moments of human-ness where the magic of healing happens. I understand the flow of a sound journey, when to step back and give space versus when its appropriate to get close during a guided mediation, or just the right angle to capture the yoga pose that exemplifies the full posture. By providing photo sessions at a price that is manageable for wellness practitioners, I hope to make the lives of those in wellness more well and less hectic scrambling for content creation. Eka Earth Photography aims to be a ceremony in itself, a way of curating ease for practitioners and space holding that captures the raw human shifts that happen during healing.

Wellness Practitioner Packages

  • Single Session $120

    Includes 60 minute photo session at your venue or event of choice and 30-50 digital images.

  • Bi- Anuual $200

    2 60 minute photo sessions at venue or event of choice. Includes 15-30 digital images from each session, totaling 30-60 digital images total. Payment can be made in full or increments of $80 per session.

  • Annual Membership $400

    4 quarterly 60 minute photo sessions at venue or event of choice. Includes 15-30 digital images from each session, totaling 60-120 digital images annually. Payment can be made in full or increments of $75 per session.

